Swiss Miss

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Location: Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

I'm from Montreal, Canada originally, but moved to Switzerland in 1991.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Gross For Today

When it comes to getting cuts and things, I'm not a big user of disinfectant and bandaids. But you can bet your ass I will be in the future. Here's a gross story, as told to us by the life guard at our local lake.

A few weeks ago, a teenage boy cut his leg on some rocks or something while he was swimming (or fooling around with friends, more likely). The lifeguard suggested the boy get the cut looked at by a doctor as it possibly needed stitches. Several days later, the boy returned to the lake. The life guard asked how the boy's knee was. "Not too good," came the reply and he showed off his leg. The life guard recoiled in horror when he saw that the wound was alive, crawling with worms! Ugh, just the thought makes me feel ill. The stupid kid had obviously not even disinfected the wound, let alone shown it to a doctor.

Note to self: disinfect all wounds in future! And I had to do just that yesterday. I was preparing dinner, cutting some cheese and sliced into my thumb. Washed the cut, used a disinfectant cream, wrapped it in a kleenex for awhile. It stopped bleeding pretty quickly, so I got on with dinner preps. And sliced into the same finger yet again, right into the cut. I have to admit, tears came to my eyes (and I only swore a little bit). After that I got a band aid!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is Alzheimer's sneaking up on me?

I swear I'm losing my mind. Or my mind is not capable of storing as much information as it used to.

For the second time this week, I've gotten times wrong in regard to my kids. On Tuesday, I told Kolina her usual driver for gymnastics couldn't drive; I received an email. I wrote it in my agenda. She found alternate means of transportation. Turns out it was for today, not Tuesday. Today, Dylan's class went on a school trip. We got a nice letter from teacher with all the times and everything. I made sure Dylan got to bed early last night, woke him up at 6:30, walked down to his friend's house for a ride...only to be told by the friend's mother that I was an hour too early. Oops. Luckily they're farmers and were up. I was able to join them in the kitchen for a coffee. Oh the shame!

My cousin Elaine is coming for a visit this weekend. I think I'd better check her itinerary again!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Enquiring Minds Want to Know

Dylan popped this question out of the blue at the dinner table yesterday: "How long is a whale's tongue?"

After I'd finished laughing, I was able to answer honestly: "I have no idea."

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Happy 8th Birthday to my little bink, Dylan! I can't believe how fast the past 8 years have gone by...

Happy Birthday also to Darcy, celebrating her 3rd today!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The nerve of some people!

Good heavens, I just realised how long it's been since I last wrote on here. Oops. I wonder if there's anyone left to read this?

It's Dylan's birthday tomorrow. Last night we went trekking off to Toys R Us to buy his birthday present. While we were on our way to the cash to pay, we noticed a woman and her two kids milling around the boxes of candy. The toddler was having a fit about something, so what did Mom do? Andy watched her open a box of gummy bears, take one out, give the brat one and put the opened box of candy back on the shelf. I kid you not! Andy went straight off to find the manager and reported it. We were so in shock! I mean, the nerve! And doing it in front of your kids? GREAT EXAMPLE, LADY!!! Don't be surprised if you get a phone call one day saying your child has been caught shop lifting. Andy was almost hoping the woman would put up a fuss so he could whip his police ID out!

Talk about an interesting trip to the store!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Happy 47th birthday to Roger Taylor of Duran Duran fame!

I just realised I wrote a post for some stranger's birthday, but completely forgot my own daughter's 12th birthday on April 14th. Oops.

Friday, April 20, 2007


My thoughts today are with a little girl up the street, called Michelle. She's in grade 2 and is just the sweetest little thing. One of those kids that everyone likes, she's always friendly and is cute as a button to boot. On Wednesday morning, she was playing on the monkey bars at school and fell off. She suffered a skull fracture, an eye socket fracture, a severe concussion, knocked a tooth out and sprained her wrist. I went and saw her today. She was able to come home from the hospital this morning because despite the injuries, she's doing quite well. She just has to have bed rest and of course her parents need to watch for any changes in her condition. She actually didn't look too bad. Other than a huge purple black eye, you wouldn't really know she was injured. No big head bandage or anything. Ugh. Just the thought of her skull being broken...

On a happier note, it was another good Friday. A big bar of chocolate was delivered with the flyers. A thank you from Cailler, a famous brand of chocolate. Apparently for my continued support. I have to admit, I never buy their stuff, but who's to look a gift horse in the mouth? Especially one that gives me chocolate!