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Location: Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

I'm from Montreal, Canada originally, but moved to Switzerland in 1991.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Yet another disturbing report in the news about a young girl being raped. There seem to be such stories appearing with alarming regularity. If the rapes weren't bad enough, the offenders are youths. The latest crime involved a 13-year-old girl being gang raped by 12 teenage boys, some of them as young as 15, at a friend's home. The girl's boyfriend was present and actively participated (interesting note: not one of them was Swiss. They were all from Balkan states). Another recent report involved two 11-year-old boys being forced to perform oral sex on each other in a school bathroom by another student and filmed with a cell phone. Yet anther report: a 5-year-old girl being molested by two (again, ex-Jugoslavian) boys of 9 and 11. What is this world coming to? What is turning these children into sex offenders? I tell you, it makes my stomach lurch when I think of my own daughter. Next year she'll be going to high school. Unfortunately to a school that doesn't have a great reputation. In fact, several years ago, a group of 9th graders molested a 6-year-old girl in a park. I know the mother of one of them. What can I do to protect Kolina? Get her into a self-defence class? Warn her constantly about boys so she turns into a paranoid mess? Lock her in her room for the next 10 years? WHAT? Another concern: how are these children being punished? Having my own personal police officer in the house, I can find out these things. They're not being punished with any severity. Some of them aren't even expelled from school! There's a big "hoo hah" in the Swiss parliament about what to do. Laws have got to be changed. I can say this: if I ever got hold of a kid that in any way hurt my child, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions.

***Note: after writing this, I went to get today's paper. Two headlines worthy of mentioning: "Sexual attacks on numerous primary school children" and "Four students molest 11-year-old."


Blogger Unknown said...

This seems to be a problem everywhere. Nearly every day I read about young children and teenagers being molested, abused or worse by schoolmates, friends, family and people authority or power. It is frightening.

I suppose if Kolina got involved with a self-defense class it would be a good idea. Also speaking to her honestly about these problems might at least keep her aware.

I don't know though ...

2:58 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

It's mind-boggling. The article about the 11-year-old girl getting molested by teenage boys described the boys shoving a tooth brush up her you-know-what. What on earth possesses these kids to do such sick things? Makes me feel ill.

3:15 PM  
Blogger Sue Matthews said...

It makes me sick to read stories like this. I heard the other week about a girl about Darcy's age being molested. How do we ever let them out in the world?

I also like the idea of a self-defence class for a girl of Kolina's age. There's also got to be a way of talking to her and preparing her without making her paranoid, but I sure don't know what it is.

Is she old enough for a cell phone? They have phones here for young children that are only set up to make emergency calls. From what I've seen there are only a few buttons on there for parents, police, ambulance, that sort of thing. Would you feel more comfortable if she had something like that?

3:17 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

Sue, Kolina already has a cell phone. We bought her the simplest kind, just for using in emergencies. Honestly, I want to wrap her up in cotton wool and keep her home.

4:31 PM  

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