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Location: Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

I'm from Montreal, Canada originally, but moved to Switzerland in 1991.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A Gross For Today

When it comes to getting cuts and things, I'm not a big user of disinfectant and bandaids. But you can bet your ass I will be in the future. Here's a gross story, as told to us by the life guard at our local lake.

A few weeks ago, a teenage boy cut his leg on some rocks or something while he was swimming (or fooling around with friends, more likely). The lifeguard suggested the boy get the cut looked at by a doctor as it possibly needed stitches. Several days later, the boy returned to the lake. The life guard asked how the boy's knee was. "Not too good," came the reply and he showed off his leg. The life guard recoiled in horror when he saw that the wound was alive, crawling with worms! Ugh, just the thought makes me feel ill. The stupid kid had obviously not even disinfected the wound, let alone shown it to a doctor.

Note to self: disinfect all wounds in future! And I had to do just that yesterday. I was preparing dinner, cutting some cheese and sliced into my thumb. Washed the cut, used a disinfectant cream, wrapped it in a kleenex for awhile. It stopped bleeding pretty quickly, so I got on with dinner preps. And sliced into the same finger yet again, right into the cut. I have to admit, tears came to my eyes (and I only swore a little bit). After that I got a band aid!


Blogger Unknown said...


5:29 PM  
Blogger Those who serve the little dictatrice. said...

iiiigh! I am squirming as I write ....

4:24 AM  

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