Saturday, November 25th. Today's the day I turn 38. Just two more years and I'll be 40. Kinda scary. So let's not dwell on that! Following in fellow-Blogger Sue's steps, some pictures of birthdays past. It seems I was born at the age of 16 because this is first birthday picture I have. My parents were not big photographers. Oh well. I must have been so unforgettable that they didn't need to take pictures. So I'll improvise. Here's a picture of me at age 1. There's snow in the picture so that means it was winter, so that means it was just before, just around or just after my birthday.Moving on, we arrive at age 16, magically skipping my formative years. By then it was too late. Sweet 16 and all that rot!
And onto the big 21! And finally a picture including
Auntie Stef! This picture was taken in a hotel room in St.Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec. These were the days when Andy was still commuting back and forth between Zurich and St. Jean for Oerlikon Aerospace. Things worth noting: the typical Stef face and my bad-ass perm!
Moving along to a quarter century. I was in Zurich at this time. And still had the perm...
And that brings us to 2007. For the occasion, I've allowed my picture to be taken, eventhough I hate it. The gray hair! The wrinkles! The double chin!
So there you have it. A brief history of Why. Wonder what the next 38 years will bring???